Cavalaire sur Mer is located between Hyères and Saint-Raphaël (40 km) and between Le Lavandou and Saint-Tropez (18 km).
Tourist Office GPS coordinates
Latitude : 43.172889
Longitude : 6.532991
Number 83 of the ZOU bus network: regular services to Toulon, St Tropez, Ste Maxime and St Raphaël Information and bookings on
or by phone 04 13 94 30 50 (Every day from 7 am to 20 pm, coast of a local call).
– Le Cannet des Maures/ Le Luc : D 558 – La Garde-Freinet, carrefour de la Foux, Cavalaire : D 559
– Le Muy/Ste Maxime : D 25, Ste Maxime, Carrefour de la Foux : N 98, Cavalaire : D 559
Consider car sharing : BlablaCar
SAINT-TROPEZ – LA MOLE Tél. : 04 94 54 76 40
TOULON – HYERES Tél. : 0 825 018 387
NICE Tél. : 0 820 423 333
MARSEILLE Tél. : 04 42 14 14 14
Héliport de Grimaud Tél. : 04 94 55 59 99 ou 04 94 43 39 30
The cycle path of Six-Fours/ST. Raphaël (V65 of the National Cycle Route and Greenway Scheme) allows you to cover a large part of the Var coastline by the coast or inland, following the route of the old Provence railway line.
If you would like to see the cycle route in its entirety or in Cavalaire in particular: click here
See also the map of bike racks in Cavalaire
Download all our tips to simplify your journey: Car-free Cavalaire